.:. welcome!
You have reached Bhojli Reflections. Welcome! Feel free to browse around. If you like something, then it'd be great if you let me know.
.:. bhojli
The word bhojli comes from a language of India, a language I researched for many years. This language has many words for friendship depending on how the friendship is formed and with whom. Bhojli is a friendship that can cross boundaries particularly caste boundaries. I like to think that it describes a friendship that is not limited by who the people are. This seems to be a very appropriate name to call this site.
If you're interested in the Halbi language you may want to check out the Halbi website
.:. what's here
.: reflections
You might find of interest some of the things I've been musing over and writing about over the years. Check out my reflections page.
.: poetry
Poetry has been a therapeutic activity for me when life has gotten a bit much. I've included some of my writing on the poetry page.
.: photo albums
Photos taken over the many years of travelling and living in various countries of the world, including India, Nepal, USA, Canada, Thailand, New Zealand, and of course, Australia. Follow this link to some of my photo albums.
You can also see more of my photos on Flickr.
.: digital art gallery
Since playing around with PaintShop Pro and getting a digital camera I've been discovering some of the fun of digital painting and photo manipulation. And I've added to my arsenal of software tools to experiment with my photos. On this page of digital art images you'll see some examples.
You'll also find some of my digital art that's for sale at:
Trees in the winter fog
.: books
Having been an avid reader since about 5th grade I've read a lot of books! On my books page I introduce you to some of the books I've read. Some have been very relaxing, others have been helpful in personal growth and yet others have challenged me in my life's journey.
.: interests
Over the years I've had many interests and hobbies... photography, stamp collecting, sports (hockey, basketball, swimming, etc), genealogy, playing with computer art programs, watching TV... especially Star Trek. Check interests!
.: resources
Check out the resources page for some tubes and brushes that I've made as I've worked with PaintShop Pro. Also, you'll find some links to other sites which I've found helpful for tutorials, tubes, brushes, etc. As time goes by more will be added.
.: favourites
We all have our favourite places to visit on the web. Here are some of mine favourites.
.: jigsaws
Do you enjoy doing jigsaws? Here's a link to a page of jigsaws that created from some of my photos. Jigsaws
.: thank you!
Thank you for your visit. Enjoy browsing.